An exciting year ahead for HMI

As 2016 draws to a close it is timely to reflect on the “Year in Health” – the country went to the polls earlier this year which resulted in the Taoiseach appointing a new Minister of Health and the four junior ministers who collectively bring with them an opportunity to engage with health users and health service staff in a meaningful way to bring about real change. The Minister’s proposed all party 10 year vision for health, whilst in its infancy, could provide a truly national long term strategy for the health service and, with it, some stability in terms of direction and decision making so the future could be bright for health services.
As we enter into a potential “winter of discontent” it is important to reflect on some of the positive activities of the Institute. The HMI regional committees provided networking events and an opportunity to hear from the many talented people working in the health service. The HMI Leaders awards continues to grow with the number of submissions increasing year on year. The event provides an opportunity to celebrate health leaders from right across the spectrum of services and showcase the innovative developments. The year’s events culminated in the 6th Annual HMI Conference which was held in September to a packed audience in the RDS. On behalf of the HMI Council I would like to thank everyone who supports these events and makes them such a success.
The HMI was approached by the HOPE organisation to host the HOPE Agora conference and this will be held in Dublin on June 12-13. This will be a co-hosted event and will be in place of the normal annual HMI conference, so please put the date in your diary. It presents an exciting opportunity to hear of the HOPE exchange programmes participants’ experiences of other health systems across Europe and if you’d like more details go to
Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow HMI Council members and the team in SHRC for their continuous support and hard work on behalf of all health managers who join me in wishing you all a peaceful Christmas and happy New Year to you and your loved ones.
Lucy Nugent,