A strong and vibrant HMI
As I sit here preparing to write my last President’s address I cannot believe how quickly the last three years term of office has passed.

Over the past three years we have organised and delivered three major national conferences, reorganised our organisational structure and established Regional Manager Forums and hosted both national and international speakers to address us on key health service issues. In parallel we have reorganised our membership structure, created new membership levels with attractive associated benefits and forged a number of significant sponsorship arrangements which directly support the work we do and have moved Health Manager to an e-zine format for ease of access and information on the go.
All of the aforementioned have taken considerable time and work to deliver and I would like to place on regard my personal thanks to each member of Council who have worked so hard on your behalf. I would also like to thank Ann Marie and Maureen for producing Health Manager and Conor Hanaway, Rosemarie and Ryan from SHRC, our strategic partners, for their organisational skills, commitment and expertise in supporting all the work we do. Also GSK who have worked very closely with us over the past three years and who have sponsored all our annual conference and supported our regional events.
The HMI is a membership organisation and we have put in place the necessary organisational infrastructure to enable it to flourish but we are only as good and as strong as our membership base. We have put considerable work into this area but we must rely on each and every health service manager to support us and join our organisation. In times of great change and uncertainty in our sector, it is vital that the HMI has its finger on the pulse, has a strong and clear voice and most importantly it must be supported by a wide, diverse and vibrant membership base.
Your Council and I have worked extremely hard on getting the infrastructure in place, it is up to each and every one of us as members of the HMI to actively participate in our organisation’s activities and development, and to encourage new and the next generation of health care managers to join it.
With this in mind our AGM is scheduled to take place on Thursday 23rd June at 5.45pm and I strongly encourage you to attend.
I wish the incoming President and the new Council every good wish, with continued success into the future. I will continue to actively participate and support the HMI and I hope you will too.
Best wishes,
Derek Greene
HMI President