Powerful reasons to join the HMI

As the year continues to accelerate past us at what seems like an even faster pace, I would gently remind you to renew your HMI membership or if you haven’t joined previously I would encourage you to do so now.
The HMI is a membership based organisation specifically for health service managers and we act as our members’ voices and advocates across a whole range of subjects and topics.
As a member there are specific membership benefits for you, like reductions in fees for courses, conferences and our annual conference, CPD attendance points for participating in events and most importantly regional fora held throughout the country, at which important topics can be discussed and debated openly with key senior health management leaders on a “Chatham House rules” basis.
In addition, we are working closely with other national and international groups on the development of management competency frameworks and the accreditation of managers and we have been advocating strongly on behalf of our members to have health service managers accredited and registered like many of our colleagues.
We believe the professionalisation of health service management through the development of competency based selection, training and continuous development will stand both the health service and health service managers in good stead moving towards the future.
So don’t let time pass, act now, join today and become part of the movement. It will probably be the best €100 you’ll ever invest in your career. So log on to our website (www.hmi.ie) and submit your details.
Best wishes,
Derek Greene
HMI President