Get involved in developing our professionalism

On behalf of the Council of the HMI I would like to wish all HMI Members and all staff of the health service a happy and prosperous New Year with every good wish for 2015.
In looking at the upcoming year, it is clear from media reports and the health Sservice indicative allocations to agencies, that 2015 will be another major challenge for the health service. Once again our staff will be challenged and tested by the increased demand and rise in expectations of our service users tempered by a funding envelope which is stretched to the absolute limit.
I hope that the new Hospital Groupings and the revised community health organisations will assist the health service greatly in achieving a leaner, fairer, more accessible service for our users which is equitable and timely for their needs. Certainly 2015 will have great challenges for us; the staff, but we live in hope of change and service improvement. It is incumbent on us all to fully support the changes made and improve the quality, effectiveness, timeliness and value provided by the services we deliver.
We in the HMI, will continue to work hard on your behalf. Through our Regional Committees, our Council, the events we organise and our annual conference, we will continue to assist the development of our health services and the professionalization of our health service management in our attempt to raise quality and report on what is positive about our services. The inaugural Leadership Awards process last year was a huge success and we will be pressing ahead with our 2015 awards programme, so I encourage everybody to get involved with this project as it helps to showcase all that is good and positive about the health service and those who work in and manage it.
In closing, we are finalising details for our annual conference and I would ask that once confirmed please note the date in your diaries, as you will be hearing more about this over the upcoming weeks.
Finally I would encourage all staff and agencies to become members of the HMI either individually or corporately. So if you are already a member please renew your membership and thank you for same, and if you’re not please join. We are a membership organisation which is only as strong as its membership base so please actively consider getting involved.
With best wishes,
Derek Greene
HMI President