Leading Healthcare

At the time of writing the Council of the Health Management Institute is putting the finishing touches to the organisation of our annual conference titled “Leading Healthcare”, which will be held on Tuesday September 23, 2014 in the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel on Burlington Road, Dublin. I would encourage you to attend the conference as this year’s line-up and themes are aimed at moving the debate beyond the immediacy of financial problems to examine innovative ways in which management can help achieve better outcomes and safer services for our users.
As promised at last year’s conference, we have launched the HMI Leaders Award and we have been overwhelmed with the quality and quantity of submissions made to date. The purpose of the award is to recognise and acknowledge all the innovation and creativity that managers bring to our Health Service and translate into quality evidence based, user focused initiatives, which make a real difference to our services.
It is extremely impressive to see the long list of innovations and improvements to services and service delivery which has been devised, managed and delivered by Managers at all levels throughout our health service. All this is being done at a time of great austerity, with a contracting work force and significant increases on demands made on services while simultaneously management in our health service is being publicly criticised and portrayed as being sub-standard. How wrong is this?
We believe the award will give prominence and recognition to those who deserve it and there are many deserving initiatives worthy of consideration. The focus of the award is to give recognition to managers for their work, ingenuity and commitment to succeed in a difficult, challenging and changing environment. We hope the award will help to redress a lot of the negative publicity that surrounds the management of our health service and will help to publicise and promote best management practice.
In reviewing the submissions this is certainly the case and management at all levels of our services are to be commended for the work they do, the initiative they bring and the contribution they make to improving service quality and delivery.
So well done and thank you all.
Derek Greene
HMI President