- New CEO of Mater
- Northern Ireland joins EAHM
- Chief Nursing Officer Department of Health
- Chairs of new hospital groups
- New cardiology centre for Crumlin
- Programme Director for Paediatric Hospital
- European Association of Hospital Managers developing new working model
New CEO of Mater
Ms. Mary Day has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Mater Hospital, Dublin.

She joined the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital in 2008 as Director of Nursing and assumed the concomitant function of Head of Operations in 2011. She was appointed as an Adjunct Associate Professor at the UCD School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Systems in December 2010. In January 2013, she took up the role of Interim Chief Executive Officer with the appointment ratified to CEO in October.
Her professional career included a two-year term in the Department of Health & Children as Nurse Advisor in Professional/Practice Development, where she was responsible for supporting the Nursing Policy Division and advising the Department on all aspects of policy affecting nursing and midwifery education and healthcare services.
Ms. Day was formerly the Directorate Nurse Manager (ADON) in St James’s Hospital, Dublin for Haematology/Oncology, which incorporated the functions of operational management, strategic management, financial management, change management, training & education and quality assurance. Subsequent to this position, her previous experience covered diverse roles in oncology/haematology in the UK.
Her professional and academic qualifications include a BSc (Hons) in Cancer Nursing (1999) and an MSc in Health Service Management (2004).
Northern Ireland joins EAHM
The Northern Ireland division of the Institute for Health Management has joined the European Association of Health Managers.

Louise McMahon, Chair of the Institute for Health Management, Northern Ireland (IHM NI) will take a place on the Executive Committee and European Affairs Subcommittee. Speaking at the Executive Committee meeting in Amsterdam, she stressed that IHM NI is committed to Europe and European affairs and that she is looking forward to a fruitful relationship.
HMI President, Derek Greene said he was delighted that IHM NI, with which HMI has close links, had joined the European Association.
EAHM President Heinz Kolking and Secretary General Willy Heuschen visited Belfast to meet some of the members of the association and assess the city as a possible EAHM congress destination.
The European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) was founded in 1970. It is the umbrella association for 27 leading hospital management associations in 26 European countries representing over 16,000 individual members. The EAHM is one of the world’s largest hospital management associations. It represents both the hospital managers of public and private hospitals in the European Union and at international level.
Chief Nursing Officer Department of Health

Dr. Siobhan O’Halloran has been appointed as Chief Nursing Officer in the Department of Health, following an open recruitment process conducted by the Public Appointments Service (PAS).
The Department says that the position of Chief Nursing Officer has now been established at the level of Assistant Secretary in the Department, ensuring that the role of nursing and midwifery is represented at the highest level in terms of policy making for the health service.
Dr. O’Halloran, PhD, MSc, FFNMRCSI, BNS, RGN, RMHN, RNT has had a distinguished career in nursing spanning over thirty years. Since 1999 she has held several key positions in the Irish health service with the Department of Health (DOH), the HSE and in the nursing education sector. These include Nursing Adviser (DOH); Executive Director, National Implementation Committee (DOH), where she oversaw the transfer of all undergraduate nursing education to the third level sector; Executive Director, Health Reform (DOH); Nursing and Midwifery Services Director (HSE) advising the HSE Management Team and Board on policy direction regarding nursing and midwifery issues; Head of the School of Nursing, Midwifery, Health Studies and Applied Science at Dundalk Institute of Technology.
In January 2011 she was appointed HSE Assistant National Director with lead responsibility for Acute Services. Most recently she was tasked with establishing the Programme Management Office within the Department of Health to implement the Government’s health reform programme, Future Health.
Chairs of new hospital groups
Health Minister, Dr. James Reilly has announced the appointment of the Chairpersons of the new hospital groups.
Dr. Frank Dolphin has been appointed Chairperson of the Dublin Midlands Hospital Group, Ms. Anne Maher Chairperson of the Dublin North East Hospital Group, Mr. Thomas Lynch Chairperson of the Dublin East Hospital Group and Professor Geraldine McCarthy Chairperson of the South/South West Hospital Group.
The Minister has already appointed Prof. Niall O’Higgins as Chair of the Mid West Hospital Group, Mr. Noel Daly as Chair of the West North West Hospital Group and Dr. Jim Browne as Chair of the Children’s Hospital Group.
Dr. Frank Dolphin is the chairman of Rigney Dolphin, a services business with centres in Waterford, Derry and Cleveland OH and a former Chairman of the HSE. A native of Birr, Co. Offaly he attended UCD, where he completed a PhD in Psychology. He subsequently worked as a clinical research psychologist. He is an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and the Psychological Society of Ireland and is a Fellow of the Marketing Institute of Ireland.
He chaired the Ministerial Review Group to advise on the location of the National Children’s Hospital in 2012, is a former Chairman of the Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street and a former member of the Board of Governors of the Mater Hospital.
The Dublin Midlands Hospital Groups comprises St. James’s Hospital, Tallaght Hospital, the Midlands Regional Hospital, Tullamore, Naas General Hospital, the Midlands Regional Hospital Portlaoise and the Coombe Women & Infants Hospital, Dublin. Its academic partner is Trinity College, Dublin. The New Children’s Hospital is to be located within this group’s geographical area, on the St. James’ Hospital campus although it will have a separate governance structure and the existing Dublin paediatric hospitals will operate as a separate group.

Ms. Anne Maher holds a Bachelor of Civil Law Degree from University College Dublin and served as Chief Executive of The Pensions Board for Ireland until 2006. She is currently a Non-Executive Director of Irish Airlines Pensions Limited, Retirement Planning Council of Ireland, Allied Irish Banks Pensions Limited, AIB DC Pensions (Ireland) Limited and the Irish Fiscal Policy Research Centre. She is also a member of the Chartered Accountants Regulatory Board, a Council member of the College of Anaesthetists of Ireland, a Governor of The Pensions Policy Institute (UK) and a member of the FTSE Jury of Appeal (UK).
She recently chaired the Medical Professional Competence Steering Committee and served as a member of the Medical Council’s Professional Competence Committee.
The Dublin North East Hospital Group comprises Beaumont Hospital, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Connolly Hospital, Cavan General Hospital, Rotunda Hospital, Louth County Hospital and Monaghan Hospital. The Group’s academic partner is the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. This Group brings hospitals between Dublin and the border into one group. The Higgins Report recommends that services for the region should develop cognisant of cross-border linkages and retain the potential to develop formal cross border hospital networks.
Beaumont and Connolly Hospitals have undertaken considerable preparatory work with this group’s primary academic partner, RCSI, to develop a strategic alliance which will benefit the group as a whole.

Mr. Thomas Lynch is Chairman of Icon plc, one of the world’s largest clinical research organisations having served on its board since 1995. Mr. Lynch has had an extensive career in the biotechnology industry serving in a variety of roles in Elan Corporation plc (1993 – 2004); Warner Chilcott plc (1994 – 2002) and Amarin Corporation plc (2000 – date). Prior to that he was a partner in KPMG and is a fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland.
He is chairman of Dublin Academic Medical Centre (DAMC), a partnership of UCD, the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital and St. Vincent’s Healthcare Group. He received a doctorate of laws (honoris causa) from UCD and is an honorary fellow of the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences at UCD. He has served as chairman of the board of the Queen’s University of Belfast Foundation since 2004, having served as a member of the board since 2000. He was a member of the Expert Group on Resource Allocation in the Health Service which reported in 2010.
The Dublin East Hospital Group comprises the Mater Misericodiae University Hospital, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, Midland Regional Hospital, Mullingar, St. Luke’s Hospital, Carlow/Kilkenny; Wexford General Hospital; the National Maternity Hospital, Our Lady’s General Hospital, Navan, St. Columcille’s Hospital, St. Michael’s Hospital, Dún Laoghaire; Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital and the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital. The primary academic partner is University College Dublin.
Professor Geraldine McCarthy is Emeritus Professor at the School of Nursing and Midwifery University College Cork. She was Founding Head and Dean of the School of Nursing and Midwifery in UCC which was established in 1996. She holds a Dip Nurs from UCD, MEd degree from Trinity College Dublin, MSc and PhD degrees in Nursing from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. From 2010-2011 she held the post of Interim Head of the College of Medicine and Health at UCC providing strategic leadership in research and educational programmes across the Schools of Medicine, Nursing and Midwifery, Pharmacy, Therapies and Dentistry.
She has held a number of health care posts in Ireland, the United Kingdom, United States of America and Canada. In particular before joining UCC she spent three years as Research and Development Manager at Beaumont Hospital Dublin. She has been a member of a number of national and international bodies including the Health Information and Quality Authority, the Fulbright Commission, the Commission on Nursing, Nurse Education Forum, Task Force on Undergraduate Medical Education, Marymount Hospital Board, the Southern Health Board and the Non Executive Advisory Board for the Reconfiguration of the Health Services in the Southern Region.
The South/South West Group comprises Cork University Hospital/CUMH, Waterford Regional Hospital, Kerry General Hospital, Mercy University Hospital, South Tipperary General Hospital, South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Bantry General Hospital, Mallow General Hospital and the Lourdes Orthopaedic Hospital, Kilcreene. The Group’s academic partner is University College Cork.
New cardiology centre for Crumlin
A new €4.5 million state of the art cardiology centre has been opened at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin, Dublin.
The Children’s Heart Centre provides a 25 bed dedicated infant and child cardiac unit with support accommodation and services for family and staff.
All the finance for the centre was raised by private donations and fund-raising contributions from communities all over Ireland through the Children’s Medical and Research Foundation (CMRF)
One in every 100 babies born in Ireland is born with a congenital heart defect and most will require surgery. All of Ireland’s young cardiac surgical patients come to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin – some within hours of being born. Children and their families may spend weeks, months or even up to a year in the hospital depending on the severity of their condition.
“Our cardiac teams deliver world class care with proven outcomes that compare favourably to UK and International standards”, said Dr. Orla Franklin Consultant Paediatric Cardiologist at Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin.” But our patients and their families have had to endure unacceptably inadequate conditions on wards that were built in the 1950s and ’60s. The moment we bring our patients through the doors on to this stunning new ward will be a very emotional one, not only for the families but for staff also. We cannot express enough our gratitude to every person who helped to raise the funds, every business that submitted donations and every individual who made a contribution to this beautiful facility that reflects the standard of care our patients deserve.”
Programme Director for Paediatric Hospital
The Minister for Health, Dr. James Reilly has appointed Mr. John Pollock as Programme Director of the National Paediatric Hospital Development Board.
Mr. Pollock will be the chief officer of the board which is responsible for ensuring the building of the hospital.
Separately the Children’s Hospital Group, with its Chief Executive Ms. Eilísh Hardiman, is responsible for bringing the current children’s hospitals together to work as one.
The Department of Health said that by providing for two boards with clear, distinct but interrelated responsibilities, the Government is satisfied that it gives greater effectiveness to the delivery of the hospital. Mr. Pollock will work closely with Ms. Hardiman, with the HSE and with other stakeholders to deliver this priority project.
Mr. Pollock is the former CEO of Punch Consulting Engineers, and previous Managing Director of TPE Consulting Engineers. He has over 30 years’ experience in the Irish and international building industry, including healthcare, delivering to both public and private sector clients. He holds a Master of Science degree from the Georgia Institute of Technology, a Civil Engineering degree (1st Hons) from UCC, and is a Member of Engineers Ireland.
European Association of Hospital Managers developing new working model
In October 2013, members of the EAHM Executive Committee, subcommittees and partners met in Brussels to discuss a new working model for the EAHM entitled IMPO. The component parts of the proposed model are:
- Inputs
- Management
- Process
- Outcomes
Prior to the meeting significant engagement had taken place with the member organisations including the Health Management Institute of Ireland. The aim was to develop a working model that would position and guide the activities, as well as the scientific programme, of the EAHM. The model was to integrate the four key components identified as relevant in running hospitals and underlines the need for a global approach.
The consultative meeting included parallel workshops in the three designated languages of the EAHM, English, French and German. Ireland and the HMI was well represented by Mr. Gerry O’Dwyer, Vice President EAHM, Hon. Director of Education HMI, Regional Director of Performance and Integration, HSE South, Ms. Lucy Nugent, Scientific Committee EAHM, Hon. Secretary HMI, Clinical & Patient Services Manager Temple Street Children’s Hospital, Ms. Ann Marie O’Grady, Editorial Board EAHM, Hon. Editor HMI, Head of Clinical Services & Business Planning, Beaumont Hospital.
EAHM is currently finalising the model which will be published in due course.