Health Management Institute President, Mr. Derek Greene said the HMI’s ambition was to be active and influential in every healthcare institution in the country, when he spoke at the opening of the Institute’s 3rd Annual Conference in the Gresham Hotel, Dublin on Monday, October 7.

He said that with the many changes underway the challenge for health service managers was to ensure that reforms worked for patients on the ground.
“The responsibility to get involved and provide real leadership has been placed squarely on our shoulders and this is not an easy task.
“It will require knowledge, courage, commitment, know-how, leadership and expertise. Therefore, I hope that in every health institution in the country, people will participate in HMI meetings and events. The HMI is the professional body for senior health managers. We can provide on-going information on challenges, tools with which to meet these challenges and professional training. It is also a priority for us to share information among colleagues throughout the country and abroad.
“So we want as many people as possible to be involved in the Institute and to have their voice heard as we go forward. We are in the position to provide national leadership for managers and that is what we intend to do.”
Over 300 people attended the packed conference which was oversubscribed days before.