The HMI has elected a new President, Officers and Council for 2012 – 2013.
Derek Greene
Chief Executive of the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin is the new President of the HMI.

Derek’s previous positions include Assistant Secretary University College Dublin, Head of Human Resources in Beaumont Hospital and various assignments in Hospital Management, Human Resources and Community Care. He has also held positions in the private sector in various roles. Derek is a member of the IPD and holds a Masters Degree in Management from Trinity College Dublin and the Irish Management Institute (IMI).
Geraldine Regan
Director of Nursing and Deputy Chief Executive, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin, Dublin is the new Vice President of the HMI

Geraldine is a registered Children’s and General Nurse. She also holds a BA in Public Management and an MA in Healthcare Management from the Institute of Public Administration. She has worked in hospitals in Ireland and the UK for over twenty years and has also worked in the voluntary/community sector. She is a past president of the Irish Association of Directors of Nursing and Midwifery.
Richard Dooley
Area Manager, Waterford/Wexford Health Services is the Immediate Past President of the HMI.

Richard’s previous positions include: Regional Manager Community Services, South Eastern Health Board; General Manager, Waterford Regional Hospital; General Manager, St Luke’s Hospital, Kilkenny; and Hospital Care Manager, Acute Hospitals Programme, South Eastern Health Board.

Lucy Nugent
Clinical and Patient Services Manager, Children’s University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin is the Honorary Secretary of the HMI.
Lucy has worked in the acute hospital sector for over 20 years and is a Registered Children’s Nurse and Registered General Nurse. She holds a Bachelor of Nursing Studies (Hons) from Dublin City University and an M.Sc. (Hons) in Healthcare Management from Trinity College, Dublin. She sits on the European Association of Hospital Managers’ Scientific Committee and on the International Hospital Federation’s Chapter on “International Core Leadership and Managerial Competencies”.

Gerard O’Callaghan
Chief Executive, South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital, Cork is the Honorary Treasurer of the HMI.
Gerard was previously General Manager, Kerry General Hospital; Management Accountant for the Southern Health Board; and Finance and General Services Officer at Cork University Hospital. He is a qualified accountant (FCCA) and holds an M.Sc. in Management from Trinity College Dublin and a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) from Aston University, Birmingham.

Gerry O’Dwyer
Regional Director of Operations, HSE Dublin Mid Leinster is the Honorary Director of Education with the HMI.
He is also Vice President of the European Association of Hospital Managers. Gerry’s previous roles include HSE Network Manager for the Southern Hospitals Group; Chief Executive of Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin; and Deputy General Manager, Cork University Hospital Group. Gerry comes from a nursing background, formerly Chief Nursing Officer for St. Luke’s Hospital, Clonmel, Co. Tipperary and Chief Nursing Officer for the North Lee Catchment Area in Cork.
He is a past president of the HMI.

Ann Marie O’Grady
Head of Clinical Services & Business Planning, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin, is Honorary Editor of “Health Manager” The official journal of the HMI
Ann Marie is a member of the Senior Management Team in Beaumont Hospital since 2008 and her current role is that of Head of Clinical Services & Business Planning. She has held previous clinical and managerial roles in both Ireland and New Zealand.
She is the Honorary Editor of the HMI with responsibility for the publication of the HMI’s bimonthly ejournal Health Manager. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the European Association of Hospital Managers which publishes the journal Hospital on a bimonthly basis.
The other members of the HMI Council are:

Dymphna Bracken
Area Communications Manager, HSE Dublin Mid Leinster.
Dymphna holds a degree in Marketing and Public Relations and an MA in Public Relations from Sterling University. She is a member of the Irish Institute of Public Relations. She joined the Health Services as Communications Officer with the Midland Health Board in 1998.
Prior to joining the health services she worked as a political and news journalist with the Limerick Leader.

Breda Crehan-Roche
Chief Executive, Ability West, Salthill, Galway.
Prior to joining Ability West, Breda held the following posts in the Midland Health Board/Health Service Executive: Project Specialist Disabilities; Continuous Quality Improvement Co-ordinator, Acute and Community Care Service; Director of Services for Persons with Disabilities; A/Assistant Chief Executive Office/Programme Manager, Community Care Services.

John McElhinney
Chairman of the Healthcare Risk Managers Forum.
He is the Risk Advisor at Sligo Regional Hospital. Prior to this John carried out a three year research project at Sligo to test the effectiveness of a clinical risk management system at specialty level. John has a nursing background and spent fifteen years working overseas in the UK, Middle East and Australia specialising in Critical Care Nursing. Prior to returning to Ireland he held the position as Quality Improvement Manager at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital and Joint Clinical Governance lead with the States of Guernsey Board of Health in the Channel Islands. He holds nursing qualifications in Mental Health, General, Critical Care and Nursing Education together with a BA (Hons) in Psychology and Political Science from the University of New South Wales, a B.Sc. in Health Sciences from Southern Cross University, New South Wales, a Higher Diploma in Healthcare Risk Management from UCD and an MBA from the RCSI and Smurfit Business School. His main areas of interest include human factors analysis in clinical error and healthcare governance.

Tom Daly
Corporate Management, HSE, Manorhamilton.
Tom has spent over 35 years in the public sector in various administrative and management posts mainly with the North Western Health Board including at Regional Management Team level and now with the HSE.
He has particular responsibilities in the areas of cross-border and all-island health and social care and is a HSE representative on the Management Board of Co-Operation & Working Together (CAWT).

Adrian Ahern
Chair of the Western Regional HMI Committee.
A former General Manager of the Galway Mental Health Services he is a consultant to a number of private healthcare organisations. He is also Chair of the Ballinasloe Fair.