Health Minister, Dr. James Reilly has announced a series of changes to the Board of the HSE. The announcement involves the appointment of three new board members and the re-appointment of Mr. Brian Gilroy, who has left the HSE.

New to the board is Mr. Jim Breslin, Secretary General of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs. The Minister said his appointment will allow for the crucial area of the care of children to be represented by the top official of the new Department.
Ms. Frances Spillane, Head of the National Human Resource and Work Force Planning Unit in the Department of Health, also joins the Board. Dr. Reilly said she would bring a range of valuable experience as the health services deal with issues including the change programme.
Mr. Tony O’Brien, the Chief Operating Officer of the Special Delivery Unit will replace Dr. Martin Connor on the Board. As a key new unit in the health services, its perspective at the board table is of great value, said the Minister.
Dr. Reilly has also asked Mr. Brian Gilroy to remain on the board despite his departure from the HSE. Mr. Gilroy, formerly the HSE ‘National Director, Integrated Services – Reconfiguration’ has now moved to a new role in RTE. However, as his replacement has yet to be appointed in the HSE, his expertise and experience will be an asset in reaching decisions at Board level, said the Minister.

The new appointments are temporary in nature as the Government moves to introduce new legislation to establish a new Directorates structure in the HSE. The Directorate structure – putting in place a Director General and six other Directors, overseeing seven specific lines of service – will also see the abolition of the HSE Board.
The remaining board members are Mr. Michael Scanlan, Chairman and Secretary General, Department of Health, Mr. Cathal Magee, Chief Executive Officer, HSE, Dr. Tony Holohan, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, Mr. Paul Barron, Assistant Secretary, Primary Care & Eligibility Division, Department of Health, Ms. Bairbre NicAongusa, Assistant Secretary, Finance, Performance Evaluation, Information, EU International, Research & Resource Allocation Division, Department of Health, Dr. Barry White, HSE National Director, Clinical Strategy & Programmes, Dr. Philip Crowley, HSE National Director, Quality & Patient Safety and Ms. Laverne McGuinness, HSE National Director, Integrated Services – Performance & Financial Management.