Mr. Richard Dooley, Hospital Network Manager, Hospital Group South East, HSE has been elected President of the HMI in succession to Mr. Denis Doherty. Mr. Derek Greene, Chief Executive, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dun Laoghaire, Dublin has been elected Vice –President.
The following are the Officers and Council of the HMI for 2010:
President, Richard Dooley, Hospital Network Manager, Hospital Group South East, HSEVice President, Derek Greene, Chief Executive, National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dun LaoghairePast President, Denis Doherty, Principal, Denis Doherty and Associates, Healthcare ConsultantsHonorary Secretary, Edward Byrne, Chief Executive, St Vincent’s Hospital, FairviewHonorary Treasurer, Tony Long (till September 2010)Honorary Director of Education, Gerry O’Dwyer, Regional Director of Operations, HSE, Dublin Mid LeinsterHonorary Editor of “Health Manager” the Institute Journal, Ann Marie O’Grady, Head, Clinical Services, Beaumont Hospital
Ordinary Members
Dymphna Bracken, Area Communications Manager, HSE Dublin-Mid-Leinster (Elected 2008)Breda Crehan-Roche, Chief Executive, Ability West, Salthill, Galway (Elected 2008)Winnie Davern, Project Manager, HSE, Limerick (Elected 2010)Fintan Fagan, Chief Operations Officer, Mater Private Hospital (Elected 2009)Rosarii Mannion, Assistant National Director, HR, HSE, Dublin North East (Elected 2010)Geraldine Regan, Director of Nursing, Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin (Elected 2009)
Co-opted Members
Tom Daly, Corporate Management, HSE, Manorhamilton (Co-opted July 2009)Cora McCaughan, Deputy Director, Serious Incident Management Team, HSE (Co-opted February 2010)